About this site

"Why another newsletter? Another blog? I'm drowning in content already!"

I know, right?

So this may not be for you.

However, if you want someone to pull together lots of interesting ideas for you, ranging across everything from lifehacks to relationships to theology via politics and current affairs, all with a distinctly Christian lens, then this could be for you.

I am going to  synthesise and communicate ideas and insights from all these areas in a way that you can understand and then apply.

This venn diagram shows you what you can expect.

Others do this kind of work already. Jordan Peterson for example does this kind of integrative thinking superbly. (I am not worthy so much as to gather up the intellectual crumbs from his table). As did the late philosopher Dallas Willard.

My hope and prayer is that, standing on the shoulders of some of these intellectual giants of the past and present, I can produce content that will help you flourish in this wonderful world of ours.

So, it would make me very happy if you subscribed to this newsletter. It is my gift to you. All the content is free (you can however choose to donate to support this work, if you want). By signing up, you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that's still to come. Your very own private library. Stay up to date with new content sent straight to your inbox! No more worrying about whether you missed something because of a pesky algorithm or news feed.

Thanks, God bless, and I look forward to journeying with you.
