What will make make you happy?

Have you heard of the "hedonic principle"? This is the idea that all of us are ultimately motivated by what will make us happy. It is not a new idea at all.

Have you heard of the "hedonic principle"?

This is the idea that all of us are ultimately motivated by what will make us happy. It is not a new idea at all. In fact, you can trace its origins back to Aristotle. A moment's reflection will help you see the truth in this principle. No-one sets out to be miserable. Even actions that make us miserable, we chose because at the time of choosing we thought they would bring us joy (or at least, less unhappiness).

In the Christian world, pastor and author John Piper popularised and biblicised (is that even a word?!) this principle in his influential bestseller "Desiring God".

And least you think, "hmmm, really? But what does God think about us wanting to be happy?", here is what Jesus has to say on the matter:

44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." The New International Version (Mt 13:44–46). (2011). Zondervan.

So, according to Jesus, the kingdom of heaven is more valuable, more precious, than the greatest material treasure available to us. And great joy is ours when we discover this kingdom. This kingdom is so valuable that giving up all we have in order to possess it, brings us nothing but joy. Exchanging our present treasures for eternal treasure is an incredibly good deal for us, according to Jesus!

You might ask youself, "but hang on, how do I get this kingdom of heaven? Do I have to be some kind of super-religious mystical saint? Some social justice do-gooder?"

The answer is no (though of course you are free to be those things as well!). The great news that Jesus brings us is that this greatest treasure of all, this Kingdom of Heaven, is accessible to all. It has "drawn near", to quote Jesus. And entry into it, membership in it, is entirely free. All you have to do is want it...and ask for it...and receive it...

Here's the call to action:

Find a piece of paper, or a new word document. Make two columns. One is "The Kingdom of Heaven" the other title "My Material Treasure". Now in each column write down the benefits of each. Spend 5 minutes each day for the next 7 days reviewing these lists, adding or subtracting from them. And praying over them.